
Leadership training

Employee evaluation training

CTO-led technology presentations

Workshops for each profession hosted on volunteer basis

Corporate-led online seminars

e.g.: marketing on social media, game patents, etc.

Networking seminars with group companies

Other Learning Programs

All employees are encouraged to participate in and speak at conferences such as CEDEC.

Conversational English Lessons

In-house instructor provides English conversation training for employees whose positions require them to use English.

Conversational Japanese Lessons

We offer Japanese language lessons for employees whose native language is not Japanese.

TOEIC Speaking & Writing/Listening & Reading Tests

As part of a directive to strengthen our businesses on an international scale, we encourage our employees to develop their practical English skills and have created a system where they can take examinations in-house on a regular basis. Examination fees are covered by the company.

Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

We cover the costs of the JLPT for employees whose native language is not Japanese.


We have introduced a company-wide training program on compliance, diversity, anti-harassment, etc.

Click here for our New Graduates Training Program!

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