Official Site

Release : 2021

【Comments from a developer】

Kenji Anabuki

SCARLET NEXUS is a new action RPG developed by Bandai Namco Studios. By using the experiences and know-how that I obtained from the development of the “Tales Of” series, I devoted myself to making this new title.
When you play SCARLET NEXUS, you can experience cool fights using extra-sensory abilities, known as psionics, which everyone desires to have. You will feel connected with your peers when you are in an extraordinary state that “brains are connected.”
Another advantage of this title is that you can experience the story from two different viewpoints – a boy or a girl.
I’m sure that people who like action games, RPGs, and group battle games using various abilities will love this title. I hope you enjoy it.


This is a “Brain Punk Action RPG.”
In a world that human brains and technologies are highly developed, you can experience a deep story described from two viewpoints of main characters and “extra-sensory” action battles using your psionics and your peers’ wide range of abilities.

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